Shoulder Rest Installed

Here’s the shoulder rest after installation and glassing. I stuck largely with the plans, and put the 3 ply UNI layup over hte seatbelt attach points. I peel-plyed the entire thing in one big piece, and it came out super smooth and nice. Can’t want to sit in it to try it out!

In the back you can see my Vance Atkinson sight gauge installed. I put this in during Chapter 7. I deviated from the provided instructions somewhat. I never really liked how the sight gauge sorta sticks out away from the side of the fuselage when installed per the instructions. Just never looked clean to me. So I decided I’d mount mine mostly flush with the interior side. To do this, before glassing the exterior, I cut away enough foam from to attach the sight gauge to the back side of the interior glass. I also cut a hole in the interior glass for the sight gauge “bubble” to poke through. I then liberally floxed the sight gauge to the outside of the interior glass. When glassing the exterior I simply poked the metal tubes through the UNI, being careful not to plug them with excess epoxy.

I’m really pleased with the result. The sight gauges poke out just enough that you can see them from the front seat, but have a nice, flush look to them. I plan to leather the sides of the interior, and will be able to carry the leather all the way to the edge of the bubble.
