Longerons and F28

Today I laid up F28 and the longerons. I did these two first because I don’t have enough BID to do any of the other bulkheads. Also, I’m going to vacuum bag most of the bulkheads, and since this one is small I could do it without giving up much weight. It’s also not particularly visible in the finished plane, so I felt like if I made a mess of it with my first layup of the plane, I wouldn’t see it in the end.

With the longeron, I found it really easy to hold against the jigs. some other builders had mentioned needing multiple clamps, but mine only needed the two pictured here. I also put a few weights (buckets of concrete) to hold the plywood flat. I put a few screws in to hold the longerons in place, but in the end they weren’t necessary.

Here’s the longerons:


And here’s F28:


Bulkhead cores

Today I’m preparing the foam cores for the bulkheads. Here’s the front seatback:



and here’s F22 with a doubler. In the plans it said to put this together in several pieces and glue them together, but I was able to cut it in just 2 pieces.


Bought some wings!

Last weekend I received some prefab wings from Dennis Oelmann. If you’re not going to do the wings yourself, this is the guy you want. He says he’s built 60+ sets of wings, and really has a good system down. He’s also a very nice guy and has built a few Cozy aircraft of his own. So he knows what he’s talking about, and it great for answering builders’ questions. If you’re going to build a cozy, I strongly recommend speaking with Dennis.

Here’s a photo of the wings in my garage. There’s wings, winglets, and a matching center section spar.

Longeron Jig

Longeron Jig

Today I created the jigs for Chapter 5. I’m treating chapters 4, 5, and 6 as one big chapter, so this is somewhat out of order. I’m currently waiting on some back-ordered materials from Aircraft Spruce, so this is all I can do right now. Hopefully some foam and glass will arrive soon.

I made this jig out of some scrap 1×8 pine and plywood I had leftover from some shelves. I used plywood on the ground instead of just fastening the jigs to my table, as suggested in the plans, because I have a big empty spot in my shop where the plane will eventually go, and I didn’t feel like starting my project by poking a bunch of holes in my nice new table!

My longeron jig fastened to a piece of plywood. Will support the ends with more plywood if necessary during the layup